Working on a hermetic matrix at Poriginal Gallery June 11th-12th
DOME OF VISIONS, COPENHAGEN 23.-28.2.2016 In February 2016 we will sail to Copenhagen and transform the Dome of Visions into Plato’s Cave, which is a six-day mystery play for nine protagonists, three gods and a choir. The gods – Aphrodite, Apollon and Dionysos – control the space and guide the protagonists towards mysteries of love. …
W∞M is a creation of the Belgian company AndWhatBeside(s)Death, who work with somatics, dance, intimacy and sensitivity. It aims to embody a journey backwards in time through the origin of our senses in utero, until the moment of conception and beyond. As they say: “In W∞M we research the activity and reactivity of the senses, …
[scroll down for English] TRIALOGI tutkii antiikin Kreikan kulttuurista perintöä nykytaiteen kontekstissa. Se on elävä installaatio, joka lähestyy filosofiaa Platonin aikalaisten tapaan elämän opiskeluna. Dialogia käyvät kolme arkkityyppistä voimaa: ylhäällä hallitsee kirkas Apollon, välissä hämärä Hermes ja alhaalla pimeä Dionysos. Näyttelyn taiteilijat ovat teoksia rakentaessaan työskennelleet näiden arkkityyppien kanssa ja jatkavat prosessia galleriatilassa näyttelyn …
Platonin Pidot: TRIALOGI, Galleria Oksasenkatu11, 5.-20.8.2015 Read More »
The Art Prison housed 27 inmates during the two first weeks of June. I was one of them.
Published in the exhibition catalogue of Turku Biennale 2015 The Unexpected Guest. The quotations from Rumi are taken from the collection of poems compiled and translated into Finnish by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, Rakkaus on musta leijona (Love is a Black Lion) (Basam Books 2002). The English translations are also by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila. I dream of stepping into Gil …
Cynthia Hopkins: A Living Documentary. TBA – Time-Based Art Festival / PICA – Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, U.S.A. 14.9.2014. Published in Finnish in Esitys magazine 1/2015. Script samples from A Living Documentary in italics are published with the permission of Cynthia Hopkins. Dear marginal artist. Do you ever feel tired with your poor …
Published in Finnish in Esitys magazine 1/2014. A by-stander noticed a ”long gun” in the hand of a ”man” at the bridge of Halinen. Several police patrols were called there fast. At the site the police commanded with a loud voice that the gunman put the object down. It became clear that the gunman was a young boy …
Fake Gun and the Nipple of Dionysos – On Metaphors of Theatre and Performance Read More »
The text was published originally in Esitys magazine 4/2012. 17 giant tapestries fill the walls of the great hall in the former royal castle of Denmark, Christiansborg. The tapestries depict in a cartoonlike, excessive and baffling way the history, present and future of Denmark. In the gobelin of the present the ruling queen Margareta II offers in …
Royal Performance – the Gobelins of Christiansborg Read More »
Published in Esitys magazine 3/10. theaterszene europa is a binational festival organized by studiobühneköln, a theater that functions independently under the administration of the University of Cologne. The festival has been active for almost 30 years, and since 1987 it has presented every year performances from Germany and one other european nation. In 2010 …