Theatre Instructor, BA, Turku Arts Academy 2002-06
Theoretical Philosophy, Musicology, University of Helsinki 1995-2000
W∞M, 2015, AndWhatBeside(s)Death, ATALAIA Festival, Portugal [dancer]
Trialogue – Meditations on Archetypes, 2015, Reality Research Center, Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki [collaboration with Visa Knuuttila & Jani-Petteri Olkkonen]
Exploration in Naming, 2014, Movement Research Festival, New York City [collaboration, organized by Daria Fain]
Blind Spot, 2014, ANTI Festival, Kuopio [collaboration with my son Ilari Laitinen]
Cipher, 2014, Samita Sinha / MAPP International, Portland Institute of Contemporary Art /Time-Based Art Festival [artistic advisor]
Are You Ready, Bruce?, 2014, Performance Art Society, Live Art Market, Eskus demonights, Helsinki [collaboration with my son Ilari, performance artist Pilvi Porkola and her son Anton]
Hundred and One Unicorns, 2014, Wolf Sign Theatre [co-director]
Portals, 2014, Panoply Performance Laboratory, New York City [collaboration]
rd thrd, 2014, Totem-theatre [director]
Plato’s Symposium, 2012-, Reality Research Center, Theatre Museum /Helsinki, Conference on Theoretical Theatre /New York City [collaboration]
Circle, 2012-, Reality Research Center [coordinator with Julius Elo, collaboration]
Children as Authorities, 2012-, Reality Research Center [coordinator, collaboration]
Solta, 2011-13, Kuriton Company [director]
Helsinki by Night Radio, 2011, Reality Research Center, Lähiradio [director]
Sacred City, 2010-11, Reality Research Center, Baltic Circle Festival /Helsinki , Tokyo Performing Arts Market [collaboration]
Comparative Religion – Solo on Theories of Sacred in Five Acts, 2010, Reality Research Center [director, performer]
12 Etudes on Everlasting Life – Series of 12 Performances, 2010, Reality Research Center, Helsinki/Turku/Umeå (SWE)/Oulu/Savukoski [director]
Belief – Guided Performance, 2010, Reality Research Center, Helsinki/Cologne (GER)/Kajaani/Pori/Lahti [co-director, performer]
Realm of the Invisible – Installation Performance, 2008, Reality Research Center, Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum, Hurjaruuth Theatre [co-direction with Julius Elo]
Renunciation – Retreat Performance, 2008, Reality Research Center [director]
While Riding the Path, I Looked Up; a Bird, 2008, Zodiak – Center of New Dance, Helsinki, choreography Riikka-Theresa Innanen [dancer]
Politics of Silence I-III, 2007, Reality Research Center, Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum, Kamppi Shopping Center, Culture Factory Korjaamo, Helsinki [co-direction with Julius Elo and Anna Jussilainen]
State of Being, 2007, Reality Research Center, direction Julius Elo
Helsinki by Night, 2005, Reality Research Center, direction Julius Elo and Eero-Tapio Vuori [sound designer, performer]
Curator, AMORPH14! Community Performance Art Festival, 2014, Artists’ Association MUU
Curator [in collaboration], Performance Compost – 3-week performance happening 2012, Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum
Research Director, Reality Research Center
– Utopian Reality [with Saara Hannula and Pekko Koskinen] 2012-13
– Can the Sacred Be Performed? 2010
– Body of the Spectator in a Performance [with Julius Elo] 2008
Managing Director, 2010-11, Performance and Live Art Information Center Finland
Teacher [periodically], 2000-: Theatre Academy Helsinki, Fine Arts Academy Helsinki, Metropolia Polytechnic, Satakunta Polytechnic, Aalto University, Turku Arts Academy, Turku Student Theatre, Riihimäki Youth Theatre etc.
Co-Founder, Esitys Magazine 2007
Co-Founder, Performance Center Eskus / Helsinki 2012
Children as Authorities – Teachers’ Guide, 2014, Reality Research Center [co-author]
How to Research Reality, 2013, Reality Research Center [co-editor]
Manual of Everlasting Life, 2011 (in Finnish) / 2013 (in English), Reality Research Center [author]
The Experiencing Body, 2011, Reality Research Center [co-author, editor]
Spectator as an Author, 2011, in the book Contemporary Theatre Book, Theatre Academy, LIKE [author]
Bordunas of Being, 2008, in the book In the Foyer of Non-Understanding, Reality Research Center [author, co-editor]
Esitys Magazine, 2007-, Reality Research Center [editor, co-editor, member of the editorial board, author of more than 30 articles]
Quality Award for the Best Culture Magazine, 2014, Esitys Magazine, Awarded by Finnish Cultural Ministry
Kultti Quality Award Special Nomination, 2010, Esitys Magazine, Awarded by Kultti Cultural Magazine Association
Tinfo Award, 2010, Esitys Magazine, Awarded by Theatre Information Center Finland