Teaching positions
Lecturer in Fine Arts (Performance Art), Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic. Autumn 2021.
Courses and workshops in educational institutions
Live Performance and How to Do It. BA and MA fine arts students at Turku Polytechnic, also through an international call from art schools in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden and Norway. March 2023, one week of contact teaching.
Performance art as research. BA in Fine Arts. 7 students. 5 credits. Autumn 2021. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Indisciplinary Interventions: an introduction to Jacques Rancière’s thinking on art and politics. MA and PhD Students. 5 credits. Spring 2020. Collaboration between Aalto University, University of Arts and University of Helsinki, Department of Law.
Performance during pandemia. 2-6 credits. Planning a pop-up course for lockdown conditions. Spring-summer 2020. Center for joint Studies / Theatre Academy, Helsinki.
Performance space and time. BA in Fine Arts. 7 students. 5 credits. Credits. Autumn 2019. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Spectator-oriented dramaturgies. MA/BA. 2 credits. 8 students. Spring 2019. Center for Joint Studies / Theatre Academy, Helsinki.
Introduction to Contemporary Theatre. Community college. 25 students. 2 credits. Spring 2019. Workers’ Academy, Kauniainen.
Body in Art. BA in Fine Arts. 5 credits. Spring 2018. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Introduction to Contemporary Theatre. Community college. 25 students. 2 credits. Spring 2018. Workers’ Academy, Kauniainen.
Spectator in Performance. BA in Fine Arts. 5 students. 5 credits. Autumn 2017. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Introduction to performance art. High school. 15 students. 1 credit. Autumn 2017. 100 salaisuutta -project by Arts Promotion Center Finland. Kaustinen High School.
Relational, Immersive and Participatory Activities in Performance. MA in Dramaturgy/Direction/Acting/Light and Sound Design/Scenography/Costume design/New Media. 35 students.10 credits. Spring 2017. Theatre Academy / Aalto University, Helsinki.
Introduction to Contemporary Theatre. Community college. 25 students. 2 credits. Spring 2017. Workers’ Academy, Kauniainen.
Body in Art. BA in Fine Arts. 3 students. 5 credits. Spring 2016. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Devising / dramaturgical perspectives: participation and experience. BA / Theatre Instructor. 1 credit. Spring 2015. Metropolia Polytechnic.
Dramaturgy of Spectator Experience. 1 credit. BA / Theatre Instructor. Spring 2013. Metropolia Polytechnic.
Children as Authorities (suom. Lasten valta). 2012-13. Todellisuuden tutkimuskeskus. Workshops in kindergartens, primary schools and high schools.
Researching Artist. 6 students. 2 credits. BA in Fine Arts. Credits. Autumn 2012. Kankaanpää Art School / Satakunta Polytechnic.
Presence on stage. Autumn 2007. Turku Student Theatre.
Physical Theatre Workshop. 2004. Turku Student Theatre.
Courses and Workshops Elsewhere
Postdigital, a 6-day workshop on artistic practice outside of digital capitalism at Tehdas Theatre’s Jokistudio, Turku. March 2023. In collaboration with Jussi Salminen.
Circle Morning Class, weekly during 2013, Reality Research Center.
Performance Art for Children and Parents, in collaboration with Pilvi Porkola, Ilari Laitinen (my son, 11 years old at the time) and Anton Laatikainen (Pilvi’s son, 10 years old at the time). Eskus Performance Center 2014.
Spectator Education, in collaboration with Pekko Koskinen, Pilvi Porkola and Risto Santavuori. Reality Research Center 2011.
Belief – Course for Guides, in collaboration with Pekko Koskinen, Risto Santavuori and Juha Sääski. Reality Research Center 2010.
Supervision and examination
Supervision and/or mentoring 30 students since 2008 at Theatre Academy, Fine Arts Academy, Kankaanpää Art School and Aalto University in several BA and MA programs: Live Art and Performance studies, Acting, Theatre Pedagogy, Fine Arts and Media Arts.
Examination of two MA thesis at the Theatre Academy.